How many times have you gone online to research a prospective client’s organization only to find yourself mired in promotional gobbledygook that fails to clearly state what the organization does? Now, put yourself in the shoes of an enterprising journalist…
Category: Public Relations
Are you too much in love with social media?
Social media—and its hold on businesses that are seeking to sell to those millions of fans—has dramatically changed how we market to wanna-be clients. Businesses like to call on social media because it is relatively inexpensive, allows rapid formulation of…
How would Santa use public relations?
Santa needs PR? “C’mon,” you scoff. “Santa needs PR like I need a hole in the head.” But, when you step back and think more about it, even Santa has a genuine need for public relations assistance, just like your…
Four things you need when distributing your company’s news
Suppose you tweaked your product or service so it made you the leader in your particular industry…and no one heard the news. Suppose you landed a huge client that elevated your position to a leader in your field…but couldn’t get the…
Competing for attention in the Age of Distraction
Think for a moment about all the distractions that compete for attention in your work life. Phone calls, texts, emails, meetings. Questions from employees. Questions from clients. Unanticipated interruptions. Add to this your personal life, which has the same ongoing…
Want to reach your customers? You gotta run.
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will…