Chances are your marketing plan for the upcoming year is already set in stone. Your marketing objectives have been established, marketing strategies agreed upon, tactics identified and budgets confirmed. Right? Do you even have a marketing plan? Surprisingly, almost 25…
Category: Marketing
![How to take advantage of trends to get attention for your business](
How to take advantage of trends to get attention for your business
Ever think of yourself as a trendsetter? Have you ever wondered how you can supercharge your digital marketing program by capitalizing on trends? It’s all too easy to say to oneself, “There’s nothing trendy about my industry.” But, when you…
![How would Santa use public relations?](
How would Santa use public relations?
Santa needs PR? “C’mon,” you scoff. “Santa needs PR like I need a hole in the head.” But, when you step back and think more about it, even Santa has a genuine need for public relations assistance, just like your…
![How to get the most out of your elevator speech](
How to get the most out of your elevator speech
Quick! When someone asks you “What do you do?”, what’s your answer? Do you tell the questioner, in a single sentence, what you do – or do you focus on the benefits you provide your clients? Are you able to…
![Why you need to include PR in your marketing plan](
Why you need to include PR in your marketing plan
Let’s face it. When you put pencil to paper in developing your marketing program, the first question usually is “How much do we have to budget for advertising?” The answer, inevitably leads to spending an inordinate amount of time (and…
Competing for attention in the Age of Distraction
Think for a moment about all the distractions that compete for attention in your work life. Phone calls, texts, emails, meetings. Questions from employees. Questions from clients. Unanticipated interruptions. Add to this your personal life, which has the same ongoing…