Chances are your marketing plan for the upcoming year is already set in stone. Your marketing objectives have been established, marketing strategies agreed upon, tactics identified and budgets confirmed. Right? Do you even have a marketing plan? Surprisingly, almost 25…
Author: admin
Lean on public relations strategies to accelerate your post-COVID marketing
As 2021 draws to a close, we appear to be slowly turning the corner in battling the COVID threat. While we are not yet over the hump in creating the herd immunity necessary to return to life as we knew…

Bios: Are you telling YOUR story on your website?
How often do you look at your website from your customer’s point of view? Marketers generally blast away with all the unique selling propositions that distinguish their product or service. They often focus entirely on telling their customers why their…

Are you relevant to your audience?
Take a glance at what kind of information you have available on your website and ask yourself, “How important is this information to the folks we’re trying to reach? Is it worth their time? And how does it reflect on…

Media relations storylines: Think beyond yourself and your business
This may be hard for some business owners to accept, but media relations storylines are not about your business. It’s about the story, and it’s about the angle the reporter wants to cover that would benefit the readers or viewers…

How to take advantage of trends to get attention for your business
Ever think of yourself as a trendsetter? Have you ever wondered how you can supercharge your digital marketing program by capitalizing on trends? It’s all too easy to say to oneself, “There’s nothing trendy about my industry.” But, when you…