Photos play an underrated role in digital marketing and public relations.
All too often, organizational leaders obsess with the precise language employed in press releases, statements and other written public communications. That’s no surprise as management wants to participate in marketing, which is manifested by the need to modify copy.
Photos, however, are different. Photos convey a humanity and emotion that words lack. And they provide visual impact that cannot be deleted from a viewer’s mind.
The reality is there are so many communications channels today and graphics—in particular, photography—can cut through the clutter in an instant. It’s the old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words,” writ large.
The utility and adaptability of photography
It’s always been mystifying as to why photography is not relied upon or more respected in marketing communications.

Photos add clarity and vision to any marketing initiative. “Action” images of products in use, executives speaking to groups or organizations and employees at work and/or company outings can add a different perspective for target audiences.
Photographs are ideal for adding personality to websites, blogs, emails, newsletters and marketing materials. They also are a perfect fit for social media and can be shared on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and other popular outlets.
Photos can be expanded into video communications. A digital album of photos at a product demonstration or event can easily be made into a video for either in-house or outreach purposes.
Prepared professionally, a set of well executed photographs adds warmth and understanding and assists in the perceptive value associated with the overall strategic goal of a marketing campaign.
The quality of your photos reflects your professional qualities
The importance of quality in marketing photography cannot be overstated. Everyone has a camera these days, but that doesn’t mean everyone is a photographer.
When we talk about marketing photography, we are not talking “selfies” or “anyone have an iPhone” type photos. We are referring to professionally prepared photos that represent you and your organization in the most positive way possible.

Photos that represent you must be properly composed, lighted and cropped to make a powerful and memorable statement on your behalf.
Marketing photos are the realm of professional photographers who understand your marketing perspective, outcome and goals desired. A skilled photographer has the right equipment to accurately capture a moment and add depth and value to how your present yourself. And unlike other communications tools, photos capture human qualities like emotion, warmth, determination and professionalism. Photos bring those qualities to life.
Photos make it easier for communications media to do their job
Put yourself in an editor’s place. If you have a choice of a story with photos or a story that lacks any visuals which story is easier to tell? In most instances, editors (who are always on deadline), will lean toward stories that have visual accompaniment.
That puts a premium on making photos of you, your organization or your product or service immediately available to an editor. Simply stated, you stand a considerably greater chance of coverage when you accompany your story with a photo.
In some cases, such as announcing a new appointment, media will not even carry the story unless there is a decent image to go with it. In other cases, having a good photo or collection of images can make all the difference between a small, text-based story, which the reader could easily miss, and a longer feature with lots of eye-catching images for maximum impact.
Photos can be used across your entire marketing spectrum
An under-recognized value of professional photography is that professionally prepared photos can be put to work across all your content platforms and marketing collateral.
The flexibility of photography to be incorporated within all your marketing materials gives photos enormous value. They can be used repeatedly to reinforce points you want to make.
What’s more, photos can add power to what normally would be text-only communications.
Picture this…Wellons Communication helping you with photo-marketing
At our Orlando marketing agency, we rely on a well-established network of professional photographers so our clients will look their very best.
We can identify which photographer is best suited—and most affordable—for your needs. Indeed, just like any other business, no one photographer can address all photo needs. The categories of photography are more numerous than you might imagine—aerial, portrait, landscape, interior, real estate and architecture, action, micro…the list goes on and on, but we’re more than able to find a photographer who is right for what you need and can afford.
We’re proponents of what we call photo-marketing…and working those photos as hard as possible so you get the most from your photo investment.
Give me a call at 407-339-0879 and find out more how Wellons Communications put photo-marketing to work for you.