Every business head likes a marketing tool that doesn’t cost anything and can reach virtually all one’s target audiences with an unfiltered message. That tool already exists — blogs. And most businesses already maintain a blog on their website.
According to MasterBlogging.com, in 2025, 90% of businesses have a blog, with 91% of business-to-business (B2B) and 86% of business-to-consumer (B2C) companies augment their websites with a blog.
Stats like this underscore how blogs have become established elements of a marketing and public relations program. Blogs communicate stories about one’s business in a compelling way that strengthens your relationships with existing customers, engages new audiences, and positions you as a thought leader in your field.
What’s not to like about blogs?
Nothing, other than the time it takes to write the blog and post it on your website. If you want to add some spice to your blog, incorporate some graphics and even a short video or two. The exact format and way you present is solely up to you and there’s virtually no cost to creating the content.
Blogs share your story in your voice…and they are unfiltered and share your story precisely as you want to share it. It’s an easy way to position yourself as competent, a leader in your field and to provide valuable information to your audience.
Unlike static, unchanging components of your website, like “Contact,” or “About Us,” Blogs thrive on regular updates in the form of new blog posts. This fresh content keeps your readers engaged and signals to search engines that your site is active and relevant.
Blogs provide new reasons to return to your website
One characteristic of a blog does require a little bit of work. That’s because a successful blog is not a “set it and forget it” undertaking.
There is a need to keep your information fresh and provide useful, new and provide reasons for readers to return to your site. By keeping information dynamic, readers can connect with your business with a personal sense of belonging that other marketing elements cannot necessarily provide.
In other words, keeping your blog fresh can be likened to caring for an indoor plant that requires watering, occasional nutrients, and moving around to catch sufficient sun for growth.
Writing SEO blogs does not need to be a grind
Like the rollout of a company newsletter that is exciting the first three or four times it is prepared and published, the novelty of blogs begins to wear out after you have gotten into the swing of preparing them.
This “shape-shifting” component of blogs allows you to show the creative side of your business, from what you say in the content portions to the visuals that you employ to make your blog story come to life.
Let us help write your content
At Wellons Communications, we are all about creating content and programs that enable people to connect with your business.
And that includes the writing and preparation of blogs. We come up with ideas, along with adapting other marketing components to fit into your blog (e.g. “Have you seen our latest ads?” along with a story about what your advertising aims at, or “Here’s a sneak preview of what we’re doing in the months to come”).
Blogs, after all, are another form of marketing and communications. And, at Wellons Communications, like our name says, communications are what we do every single day of our business lives.
So, with the 2025 business year moving ahead at full clip, take a new look at your website and ask yourself “What does our blog say about us?” If you are not sure or simply want help in putting an ongoing blog program together for you, contact us at 407-339-0879 or email us at will@wellonscommunications.com.
Let us tell you more about how our “blog work” can help add an exciting, inexpensive, and effective new element to your marketing program.