Make your onscreen messages count

Make your onscreen messages count

Public relations is rooted in effective communications. And, in today’s society, communications increasingly reflects what people see and hear on the internet.   

Consider these statistics: 

  • The average American spends seven hours and four minutes looking at a screen each day. Gen Z averages even more time…nine hours of screen time each day.
  • In the past decade, daily screen time has increased nearly 50 minutes per day.
  • Recent figures suggest the average person spends upwards of 40 percent of their waking hours on an internet-connected screen.
  • The general average time spent on a website is53 seconds.

 So, what does all that screen time mean? 

The increasing amount of time that your audience is gazing at a screen means that you are fighting for attention with a powerful new medium that less than three decades ago was just finding its “sea legs.”  

Traditional media — television, print, and radio – no longer rule the communications world. Today, we can find basic information on almost anything with a Google search or, with a few more clicks, obtain detailed information on a particular subject.  

What this means is that your onscreen messaging must communicate quickly and effectively.  

At Wellons Communication, here some basic that we employ to augment our client’s online marketing communications: 

Know what your audience is seeking. 

Before you can begin to make your website more effective, you have a clear understanding of what your target market wants and needs.   

Why do they come to your website? What has worked well? What has not worked?  What onscreen information draws the most comments or generates the most sales? 

Once you know what your audience wants and needs, it makes your communications messaging considerably easier and more effective.  

For example, by defining the audience’s problem – and serving up your service as the solution –you immediately connect with your audience.  

Get right to the point.  

When your website visitor arrives at your web page, the two things they look at first are your heading and your first bloc of text.  

If your headlines and introductory copy blocs are off target, visitors will bounce off the page right away. Make it incredibly clear what value you’re offering, what question you’re answering and establish yourself as the best solution. 

If you deliver valuable information right away, you build trust with your website visitor, which means they will remain on your website for a longer period. 

Let images, graphics, and video tell your story.  

Images are critical for engagement. Just adding video to a blog, for example, will see an increase most engagement metrics by a factor of four.

If you are just starting, our PR agency can help you find free stock images, while remembering to check the copyrights for the image and give credit where credit is due.  

 The most effective way to add graphics to your website is to utilize a professional graphic designer to create custom images, icons, and graphics in your branded colors for your site. 

So how can Wellons help you with your online communications? 

We are professional communicators who are skilled in populating your website with words and stories, images and graphics, that serve as an extension of your overall marketing program.  

We create stories. We create blogs. We arrange to get professional photographers and videographers to create imagery to complement the words.  

And we do it at prices that are affordable, but equal to the task at hand and helping you augment your overall marketing.  

Call us at Wellons Communications and learn more about how we can add the dimension of publicity and public relations to not only your website, but your overall marketing program.