Are you keeping up with marketing’s fast-moving changes?

“Often, as classic marketers, we think there is only one way to do things. Now, out of necessity, we are discovering there are new ways to get the job done.” – Rand Harbert, Chief Marketing Officer, State Farm Insurance

Changes in how you market your product or service are happening at a dizzying pace.

As you wrestle to keep up with the rapid marketing changes affecting your industry and your individual business, you need to constantly be mindful that your company must maintain continuity of purpose while reflecting an external consistency of your messaging and image.

It’s a tough balancing act. You can bet that marketing changes are going to continue to be ongoing, as well as difficult to understand and resolve.

Digital marketing has moved to the forefront of marketing

No surprise: digital marketing has been overwhelmingly the biggest change in marketing.

We’re in the midst of the Digital Age.

But how many business owners, particularly of smaller businesses, really understand much about digital marketing and how to harness its power?

In the mid-2010s, AWeber, a global email marketing software provider, conducted a survey of small business owners and marketers about their relationship to digital marketing. This study indicated that 94 percent of small business owners and marketers declared online marketing to be very important for the growth of their business. But only 12 percent claimed to be proficient in online marketing, whereas 29 percent said they felt overwhelmed by online marketing.

If you feel uncomfortable thinking about how you address digital marketing, that means you have plenty of company.

How can you utilize public relations in your digital marketing?

As you look ahead to 2023 and how you shape your marketing plan, think about how you can reach your target audiences – and your current customers—with an expanded digital public relations program.

We’re not talking about distribution.

We’re talking about content.

Ideas. Suggestions. Thoughts. Benefits. The kind of messages that reflect who you are and how you’re connected to whatever your audience wants resolved.

Content is more than words

At Wellons Communications, we view content as the sum of your entire story.

Certainly, words are important. They should, however, be amplified by graphics and video that more easily capture attention and bring your story to life.

Keeping it simple

In a world where we’re exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 ads every day, it’s critical that your content immediately connects with your targets and clearly says what you want to say.

Our approach to storytelling is to make your story as simple as possible.

We use short, clear sentences. We back the words up with eye-catching graphics like photos, drawings, charts, etc. that bring the words to life. And, if your budget can accommodate it, we mix in affordable video that adds the dimensions of movement and sound to your messaging.

Content development is only one phase of PR

While we develop content, as a media relations agency, we also conduct distribution – putting your messages in front of media who will have the most interest in news about your business.

We develop and maintain lists of media who are looking for the kind of news you can offer. And we regularly put your name and business in front of media who are eager to develop contacts that can knowledgably address issues and happenings in your industry.

Does all this cost a lot?

The good news is that PR is considerably less costly than advertising.

That doesn’t mean PR is less effective. It’s simply a different approach to presenting – and keeping – your business in front of your key audiences.

While PR cannot entirely control when media will adopt your message or how it’ll be employed, the positive impact of a solid PR “hit” will add credibility to your overall messaging and distinguish your standing from competitors.

As you’re working on your Q4 marketing strategy, think about including Wellons Communications in your plan to help you keep pace with the kaleidoscopic world of marketing…and reaching your targets effectively and affordably.

We’re a digital marketing agency that stays up-to-date on the latest trends affecting a large variety of industries. Give us a call at 407-462-2718 or email to get started.