Want a great blog? Be sure and order a huge dose of passion.
The best blogs are passionate about their subject. And often they are relentless in their dedication to their subject matter.
Take Mike Florio. He was a lawyer from Bridgeport, West Virginia. He started a blog about the NFL, as a sidelight to his law business.
Today he is one of the most trusted bloggers about the NFL. He has Super Bowl credentials. He has a spot on national television.
Why? Because he is absolutely unyielding about his coverage of the NFL, all issues NFL, and all issues pro football.
His blog, ProFootballTalk.com, is a compendium of short articles from leading sources in the NFL.
Florio was interviewed recently in the Saturday New York Times. He told the Times “I’m always on duty. My wife tells me I work harder now than I did when I was practicing law full time and doing this on the side. But that’s the nature of it. It’s grown, it’s successful, we expand, and expectations are higher.”
Certainly expectations are higher. Mike Florio has signed a deal with NBC, and ProFootballTalk.com holds a prominent position on NBC’s sports web site. The unique visitors to the site were 2.9 million in October, tripling from the same month a year ago.
A spokesman for the NFL called Florio a must-read. Why? – Because he works tirelessly to get information and new content to his blog. He knows his blog and his business better than anyone.
What is the correlation for your business? Same thing.
Who knows your business better than you? Who can describe what is important better than you? Maybe you can’t work 24/7 on your blog, but your knowledge and your desire to succeed is what will make any business blog the best it can be.