The Dress, swords and truths about viral promises

The Dress is blue and black now

First of all, let me state my position: the dress is white and gold.  My daughter insists the dress is blue and black – but I’m convinced otherwise.

The dress is the latest viral sensation – it was the talk of my office and even hit my sport talk radio station. What goes viral in digital media is anybody’s guess.  And anyone who tells you they know for sure what it takes for something to go viral is telling stories.

Did you think 16 hours ago the color of dress would be Internet and social media buzz?  Be wary of promises and big guarantees from marketing gurus and digital media experts.

With the media – whether traditional press or social – nothing is a certainty. Anyone who has worked for a city editor or news director knows that.

This week a story took off for Ripley Entertainment about a pregnant sword swallower who will perform in Dallas as the National Sword Swallower Day February 28.  A nifty graphic helps tell the story.

Unusual stories, such as sticking a steel blade down your throat, have a good chance of catching an editors’ eye. But what is considered newsworthy or buzz-worthy is always changing and always fickle –again just look at the dress.

Maybe it is blue and black. Never mind, I am sticking to my position: the dress is white and gold.